Whole House Water Filter

Filled with Hollow Carbon
Can be installed with Sediment Pre-Filter and/or Smart Bypass
Uninterrupted supply of filtered water 24/7
10-year manufacturer's warranty
Life expectancy is 30 years

Proprietary material and activation methods create a highly porous catalytic carbon structure within the enormous surface area in the ability to remove multiple impurities simultaneously at high flow rates.
Removes disinfectants such as chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide
Removes disinfection byproducts such as chlorite, bromate, haloacetic acids (HAA5), total trihalomethanes (TTHMs)
Reduces 85 other contaminants including pesticides, herbicides, industrial pollutants, gasoline additives, microbial cysts, traces of pharmaceuticals
Softer smoother skin
Relief from dry skin conditions
Relief from eczema
Removes chlorine taste and odor from water
Chloramine and chlorine-free water for washing fruits and vegetables,
Chloramine and chlorine-free water for brushing teeth
Chloramine and chlorine-free and water for bathing
Reduces deterioration of rubber seals in fixtures and appliance
Protects clothing from discoloration
Protects copper plumbing from pinhole leaks
Protects the water softener from negative effects of chlorine and chloramine